About us

Frydenbø® Group is a family-owned group comprising five business areas; Automotive, Marine, Real Estate, Marine Industry and NXT. The group employs just under 1000 employees and is headquartered at Damsgård in Bergen. Turnover in 2023 was NOK 4.4 billion.


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    Frydenbø Group is a family-owned group and takes care of its traditional roots as a Bergen-based company. This is not an obstacle to thinking globally or about alternative ownership constellations in the individual groups. We focus on value-creating ownership.

    Frydenbø's mission represents the group's work and why we exist;

    Value creation through generations - with our headquarters in Bergen.

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    Our vision of "quality and world-class service" is well known to everyone in Frydenbø, and instantly felt when meeting us. The vision is reflected in and is important for each of us in our daily lives and for how we achieve our goals. This applies to how we perform a job and to measuring results and development - on a personal level, in the workplace and in encounters with our surroundings.

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    Common values in Frydenbø Group are evident in how we operate. This applies just as much internally among the employees as to customers, suppliers or partners. We reflect on what is left from the impression in meeting us and what sets us apart from the competition.

    The value base is our DNA. This is our common foundation when it comes to how we operate and lead, the choices we make as well as how we deal with others.

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    We are interested, committed and passionate about our job. We face challenges with enthusiasm and a willingness to dare, bet, 
    try and fail. Our vision for the future requires that we can see and act on 
    new opportunities.

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    We are open and will cultivate credibility, both internally and externally. Honesty represents that we must keep our promises - implement strategies and achieve our goals. We always do what we say we will do.

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    We are aware of our responsibility as a colleague, manager, supplier, company and social actor. Responsibility represents our way of carrying out tasks, our loyalty and long-term perspective in our work.

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    Frydenbø Group operates as an investment group, with a large degree of autonomy in the subgroups. Nevertheless, we have an overall strategy, which ensures that we develop within our priority areas; TEAM, CUSTOMER JOURNEY and SUSTAINABILITY. Each company has its own objectives, measures and KPIs related to each strategic focus area.


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    Key information 2023

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    Kontakt oss

    Frydenbø Group

    Our headquarters are located at award-winning Frydenbø Marina at Damsgård

    Address: Damsgårdsveien 135, 5160 Laksevåg
    Postal address: Frydenbø AS, Postbox 6164, 5892 Bergen
