Brand Guidelines

    Here you will find the most important guidelines for our profile and brand. The corporate logo must be used in most cases.


    The logo is our most important brand carrier - regardless of company and business area. It represents community and strength. The three lines remind us of our values: Responsible - Enthusiastic - Honest. This is our DNA and forms the backbone of the logo.

    Below are various logo variants and file formats. Common corporate logos are used across all subgroups, to support our common identity, culture and brand. Exceptionally, a logo with a url is used, which is sorted by company.

    Les mer

    Logo blue (positive)

    On a white background, and backgrounds in other colors - within the lighter side of the color spectrum, the logo should always be in the positive version. Used across all companies in Frydenbø.

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    Les mer

    Logo white

    On dark backgrounds, and backgrounds in other colors - within the darker side of the color spectrum, the logo should always be in the negative version. Used across all companies in Frydenbø.

    Les mer
    Les mer

    Logo black

    Exceptionally, a black logo is used. Used across all companies in Frydenbø.

    Les mer
    Les mer

    Profile-bearing unit with company identity and logo

    Rule: The profile bearing unit always consists of four elements; the value band (the three lines), corporate identity (company name), url (without www) and our common logo. The unit is our most important imprint and is an informative messenger that differentiates our various companies, while at the same time clearly showing that we are one unified group.

    Exception: Exceptions for use are small media surfaces or odd formats

    Les mer
    Logo med URL

    Logo with URL

    Below are variants of the logo with urls. Common corporate logos are used across all subgroups, to support our common identity, culture and brand. Exceptionally, a logo with an url is used, which is sorted by company. In some formats, where it is not possible to use a profile-bearing device - a logo with an url can be used. The url must always appear without www, be in lower case, and be centered under the logo.

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    Display font

    Display font

    Montserrat is a san serif font designed by a design group led by Julieta Ulanovsky. The font is chosen as a display font due to its simple and clear shape and appearance.

    Montserrat is available in 18 weights, which makes the font very useful and expressive. Primary weight for use in headings is Montserrat Medium. The secondary weight for use in subheadings is Montserrat Regular.

    Montserrat is licensed under Open Source and can therefore be used free of charge. The font can be downloaded from Google Fonts ™

    Go to Google Fonts
    Les mer
    Open Sans

    Text font

    Open Sans is a humanist sans serif font developed and designed by Steve Matteson. We use Open Sans as our primary font for large amounts of text. Popularly called body text.

    Primary weight for use in setting body text is Open Sans Light. A simple and very readable font that fits well with large amounts of text. Secondary weight for use in subheadings is Open Sans Regular. A weight class that solves the task elegantly without becoming too dominant.

    Open Sans is licensed under Open Source and can therefore be used free of charge. The font can be downloaded from Google Fonts ™

    Go to Google Fonts
    Les mer


    Les mer

    Primary color 

    PMS C: 2379
    PMS UC: 2965
    CMYK: 40 | 25 | 00 | 75
    RGB: 56 | 66 | 88
    HEX: #384258

    Les mer

    Secondary color 

    PMS Coated: 9500
    CMYK: 14 | 0 | 6 | 0
    RGB: 211 | 251 | 245
    HEX: #d3fbf5

    Les mer

    Secondary color 

    PMS Coated: 2706
    CMYK: 13 | 6 | 0 | 0
    RGB: 215 | 299 | 255
    HEX: #d7e5ff

    Les mer

    Secondary color 

    PMS Coated: 9220
    CMYK: 0 | 9 | 15 | 0
    RGB: 255 | 233 | 212
    HEX: #ffe9d4

    Les mer

    Secondary color

    PMS Coated: 7499
    CMYK: 2 | 5 | 26 | 0
    RGB: 255 | 240 | 197
    HEX: #fff0c5

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    Tertiary color 

    CMYK: 61 | 0 | 35 | 0
    RGB: 53 | 200 | 195
    HEX: #35dcc3

    Les mer

    Tertiary color

    CMYK: 14 | 10 | 8 | 0
    RGB: 215 | 217 | 222
    HEX: #d7d9de

    Les mer